Friday, June 19, 2020

first the beginning

Although some of the spiritual leaders that I have listened too suggest that putting my thoughts in a blog may not be the way to go.  But for various personal reasons I feel this is the best way to record my daily thoughts.
I am on a journey like everyone else.  I want to be reminded of those moments that God speaks to my heart.  Most of the time it is in the common things of life.  So this is not a huge theological treatise but some common thoughts from a common man who serves an amazing God.   This is not meant to be published but if you happen to listen in on my ramblings more power to you.  I may talk about my kids, my activities, my frustrations.  Just whatever is on my mind.
If you do happen to follow along, I hope that these thoughts my challenge you, give you an aha moment or encourage some growth.  For what it is worth these are my journey notes.

first the beginning

Although some of the spiritual leaders that I have listened too suggest that putting my thoughts in a blog may not be the way to go.  But f...